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Digitization of Sapienza Herbarium Museum begins

Digitization of Sapienza Herbarium Museum begins

Thanks to a partnership between the University of Padua and Sapienza University of Rome (Polo Museale), the packing and shipping of the dried specimens kept in the Sapienza Herbarium Museum has started as part of the massive digitization project of the Italian herbaria of the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), Italy's first biodiversity research center.

The Herbarium Generale, Phanerogams division, which has around 1,400 folders, is the largest collection in the Herbarium and is the first collection included in the shipment. 

Professionals with expertise in managing art and archaeological finds pack the numerous folders containing the exsiccata by placing them in numbered boxes. After being put on pallets that are four boxes deep by three high, boxes are wrapped in stretch film to keep out any foreign substances while being moved. 

The exsiccata has started its journey to the botanical section of the Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence, where it will undergo digitization in the upcoming weeks.

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