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Collaborative scholarships started at Herbarium Museum

The Sapienza Herbarium Museum is working hard on arranging collections affected by the massive digitization project of the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC). The arrival of the students selected for the 2025 collaboration scholarships was also joyfully welcomed for this reason. They have already started to help organise the material.

Chiara and Nikole are excitedly working on the collections destined to Florence, checking that the herbarium specimens are suitable for digitisation. They are joined in their work by Elisabet and Alessandro, provided by the Polo Museale Sapienza, which always supports the activities of the Herbarium Museum.

Afterwards, the scholarship holders will support the various activities carried out in the Herbarium Museum, such as collection restoration and reorganisation, cataloguing and digitisation of exsiccata, and naturalistic dissemination.






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